July 17, 2014

And now for my next trick. . . .

Today, this very day, I'm starting something new.  It's dawned on me that I'm a "knower of a little bit about a lot of things" and I have several friends that I would lump into that category too.  We're always sharing ideas and info about new things we've tried, seen, eaten, cooked, crafted, grown, read . . . . you get the point.  I thought maybe there are others out there that would like to learn something new once in a while too.  

So, with a little help from my friends (aka guest bloggers) we're going to start bringing you something "new" now and then.  Don't worry - the Daily Brain Vitamins aren't going anywhere.  Those will still show up every morning.  But instead of having to wait until tomorrow for something else yummy to feed your brain, you'll get a little treat during the day now and then.  

And we start today with. . . . How To Fold a Fitted Sheet.

My mom and I were talking about this recently.  Someone in our family had posted a funny post on FB (Facebook) stating that anyone that could fold a fitted sheet must be a witch.  Apparently Mom and I need broomsticks and pointy hats then, because she taught me how to fold a fitted sheet years ago (although, I'll pause for a moment to give a shout out here to Dad, who taught me how to MAKE a bed.  Hospital corners and all).  

On to the fitted sheet.  Here's a step by step guide on how to fold one:

Step one: Get a fitted sheet.  Ok, that seems like it shouldn't really be a step.  You already have a fitted sheet.  That's why you're here.  Ok focus, WendyKate.  Let's try again.

Step one: Take your fitted sheet and tuck the inside of one of the short corners (where the seam and elastic are) into the opposite corner.  This is the trickiest part.  Using your fist to stick one corner inside the other works best. Then do the same with the two corners at the other end of the sheet.  And fold over the top (elastic side up) and edges to make a rounded-edged rectangle. It should look like this.  

Step two: Fold one edge over towards the middle.  Like this.

Step three:  Fold the other edge over to meet the first edge in the middle.  Like this.

Step four: Fold that in half the long way (folding one edge over the other edge, at the midline).  Like this.

Step five: Working from the bottom, fold the sheet in thirds.  Like this. 

And then this.

Step six: You're done.  It's really pretty easy - I've even taught my bonus daughters how to do it.  Go, stick that puppy into the linen closet right next to it's sibling the flat sheet, which was much easier to fold to begin with.  And you too can now go pick out your new broom and pointy black hat!  

Speaking of sheets - check back soon because I'm going to let you in on a secret about some awesome sheets that are beyond soft and they are super inexpensive.  You won't want to get out of bed.  In fact, where do you think I am as I write this post?  You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. I also like to put the flat, fitted, and one pillowcase inside the other pillowcase for storage. Put all of the pieces in there, fold it like an envelope, and all pieces are together and ready to go next time you change the sheets.


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