July 26, 2014

Who doesn't love a quickie?

Post.  Who doesn't love a quickie post?  Since The Hubbs and I are off in Canada playing like we're kids at camp with his siblings this week, this is going to be a quick one. Don't worry. Just like all good quickies, there's still a payout at the end.  

I've had a few people ask me about my farm.  Ok, it's not really a farm in the traditional sense of the word.  Ok, it's a tiny strip of ground right up against the house.  The only strip of ground in the whole dang yard that gets enough light for a garden.  But stuff grows there. And I sometimes wear overalls. So it's a farm, dang it. 

Here's a picture from almost two months ago.  

The tomatoes and hot pepper plants, along with the cucumber, were purchased at a local hardware store.  But the stuff I'm really proud of is the stuff I grew from stuff I had no idea would reproduce. You see, there are sweet potatoes in there.  I love sweet potatoes.  Mostly because they are something sweet that I can have during my dietary desert (yup, I'm looking at you Dr. Denny).  But they are good for you and easy to grow.  Almost from nothing. Almost. 

How, you ask?  I'm here to tell you.  Buy a couple of sweet potatoes at the store.  Make sure they're in good shape.  No yucky looking ones.  But they don't need to be anything special either. 

Cut them in 1/2 and get yourself a couple Tupperware containers or you can use dishes like the ones I have (you'll see in a minute).  Stick the potatoes the cut side down in some water (no more than 1/2 way up the potato) and let them be somewhere near a window.  Well, almost. Make sure they have water and I spray mine with a mister each day.  I have no idea if it helps, but I like to think they enjoy it and think of it as a treat.

I digress.  In a few days you'll start to see shoots coming up from the potato's eyes (yup, they have eyes).  Once those shoots develop leaves, you can pop them off at the eye part and go plant the shoots in the dirt.  You could even plant them in a pot (if you have one big enough) if you live in an apartment or if you can only container garden.  

Now comes the hard part.  You have to wait.  And wait. Ask The Hubbs - I'm not great at waiting. I can when I have to though. You should try too. And in a few months, you'll have potatoes!!  Of your very own.  AND - they will keep in a cool, dry spot for months !  Here's a how to on that.  

You might want to have a trellis nearby.  Who knew (not me) that these things are really a vine and they like to grow on stuff.  Look at mine go!

You can also get other stuff to reproduce in a similar way (celery, lettuce, mushrooms, ginger and garlic to name a few).  The Whole Foods website had a graphic up once upon a time telling you how to grow each of those from existing fruits/vegetables. It may still be out there on the interwebs  somewhere. And now you can call yourself a farmer, just like me.  You're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. My daddy, your uncle, saves his sweet potatoes from the year before. My mom gets alittle peeved about this. She says whats the point in growing them if you don't eat them. They also make a great house plant. The vines are beautiful. WTG there farmer girl.


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