November 14, 2014

Fabulous Friday Favs * Warby Who?

Remember earlier in the week when I said the weather was about to turn ugly? It did. Yesterday was cold and dreary. I felt like I was back in Iowa not North Carolina. Luckily, today turned around a bit and we have some sunshine (although, the rumor mill is that there were flurries early this morning. Luckily I was not up early enough to witness such). 

I love sunny days. There's no way I could move back to the land of grey from October to March. It just gets me too low. I'm one of those that needs the sunshine. With that sunshine, that means that I also need something to wear to shade my eyes. But the catch? I lose sunglasses. I buy the cheap ones (typically) and then set them down somewhere and forget them, because, hey. . . . they were only $15. Plus I have a tiny noggin (explains a lot doesn't it?) and finding a cute pair of sunglasses can be a chore. 

But my crafting loving friend Jody down in Atlanta is a retail goddess (no, really - she's worked for some awesome retailers) and is currently managing the new Warby Parker store in Atlanta. You may have heard of them - they are the folks that will send super cool, hip eyewear frames to your home for you to try, you pick out a pair, send in your script and they send you back a pair of glasses. For about half the cost (or less) of picking up a pair at the mall. 

See, you can even use them as a hair maintenance system to keep your hair off your face.
What you may not know is that they have stores popping up all over the country. Jody is managing the store in Atlanta, so when I was there for the blogger's conference several weeks ago I went to check it out. And of course I walked out with a new pair of sunglasses.   The Teddy (each frame style has a name). Which, while they weren't $15, they certainly didn't break the bank and they are WAY cuter than any pair of "sunnies" I've ever picked up at TJMaxx. And better for my eyes too (with polarization and all that kind of stuff). 

And guess what. I still have them! They go in their case when I'm not wearing them and lo and behold, I find them there every time. Maybe the trick for me all along has been to buy a pair I would hate to lose. And I would HATE to lose these. I love them!

My new dirty little secret is that these days, I also need readers (go ahead - make your "she's old" jokes. I can take it). So my next trip to Atlanta, that's on the docket. I thought about taking advantage of the "try them on a home" offer, but this gives me a good excuse to head back to Atlanta and hang out in their cool library themed store. And use the photo booth in back. I'm a sucker for a photo booth. I'd share my pics from when I was there, but then Jody would be mad because she's in them and she hates the interwebs and hates having her picture on the interwebs even more. 

If you wear glasses and you need a new pair, go check these guys out. Their stores are cool, their staff was awesome (not just Jody but the whole staff was so nice) and I've heard really great things about their customer service using the "try on at home" service too. Oh, and get this, for every pair of glasses you buy, they GIVE a pair away to someone less fortunate. I saw somewhere this week that Oprah has a bazillion pair. They even made her favorite things list this year. 

You know what I say. If it's good enough for The Oprah. . . .  oh, and you're welcome.

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