November 19, 2014

Time for a good fall cleaning.

I'm interrupting your regularly scheduled blog reading to share some good news. We're doing some major housecleaning at This Is The Life I Have Chosen. The bad news - we'll be down for a few days.  <wipes back a tear>

I'm moving from Blogger (where they own every post I've ever written and could delete them all at any moment, to WordPress (where I'll be self-hosted and I own my own words. I'll be the only one who can choose to take them down. Well, me and the hackers.).

None of this really means anything to you, other than I'll get to do much cooler stuff with my blog and it won't just one day disappear, never to be seen or heard from again. You have to do nothing new. If you subscribe, you'll still get posts and you'll still go to the very same website to find me. I'll just look a lot cooler. 

I'm hoping we'll be back up and running by Monday. So go take a little bloggy vacay (I'll be hanging in Tampa this weekend soaking up the sun and hanging with some of my fav peeps), rest your eyes and we'll be back at it next week.

Hugs and you're welcome!
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