September 3, 2014

Another "I Should Have Thought of That" Moment

Here's what my blog page looks like on Bloglovin.
Our cool neighbors were over last night.  You know the ones.  Matt, who gave us step by step directions on how to make mind blowing Butter Poached Lobster Rolls and his wife Sandra who saved us huge coin by showing us how to make our own Body Sugar Scrub.  (By the way, don't hold me to it, but the rumor is that Matt is going to give us his Corn Chowder recipe very soon.)
We were talking blogging and tweeting and Instagram followers and all that jazz and Sandra says, "Do you have your blog on Bloglovin?"  <insert "Wendy looks like Bambi lined up in front of a semi truck at midnight stare" here>  "Ummmm.  No.  What is it?"  She tells me it's a blog reader.  Like, it will aggregate all of the blogs you follow into one place and you just go there to see your favorites.  What?!  That exists?  

This is my feed of the blogs I've chosen to follow.  Totally awesome, right?

Off I went (with Matt and Sandra sitting at my kitchen counter) to go check this site out.  And sure enough - it's awesome.  Like, really awesome.  There's The Bloggess. And The Whole Smiths.  And The Pioneer Woman.  And some others I'd never even heard of.  It's like blog Utopia.  

Go check it out.  No really.  Right now.  Here's the link to this blog (yes, this very one you're reading right now). And then go follow The Bloggess and The Whole Smiths and whomever else you'd like.  

Ok, I've got to go.  I have a lot of blog reading to do. Plus I need to go bang my head against a wall because I didn't create this awesomeness called Bloglovin.  I know I should have save this for this Friday's Quickie.  But I couldn't wait to share it with you.  Now, shoo and go read some blogs. And you're welcome.


  1. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing this! I love it!

    1. You are more than welcome. I wish I'd known about it earlier but I got my first email from them this morning and I already LOVE it too. -WendyKate


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