September 26, 2014

Your Friday Quickie * I Think I've Sold My Soul To A Piece of Fruit

The Wedding of Vada Purvis and John Ralph October 10, 1964, Shipman, VA

Friday!  Friday!  Friday!  I love me some Fridays!  This weekend The Hubbs and I are on the road once again.  We're in the truck, with the dogs, driving up to central Virginia to celebrate my parent's 50th wedding anniversary tonight (a few days early but with a bunch of family!) and to attend our annual family reunion (on my mom's side) tomorrow.  This is a weekend I've really been looking forward to.  And I'll have lots of photos to share with you on the Monday Manic Roundup.

But before we get to all of that, my friend Michelle at The Whole Smiths accepted my suggestion for this week's Whole (craft)Cocktail and so of course The Hubbs and I will be partaking later this evening. You can get the ingredients list on her Instagram feed. Watch my Instagram feed for pics!  And please join us!  We'd love to have more folks participate in our VHH's (Virtual Happy Hours).  


Ok, now that we have that stuff out of the way, here's today's little tidbit.  It all started long ago with an iPod.  And then another.  And then an iPhone.  And then two more.  And an iPad.  And a MacBook Air.  Then a mini-iPad for work.  Then I outgrew my Air and gave that to the Hubbs and got a MacBook Pro.  And now I dream of the new iPhone but my contract on my work phone isn't up yet, so I'm waiting.  Patiently.  Sort of.  <maybe not so patiently>

A few days ago, I updated my iPhone to the new iOS8 (before the update was issued that actually made things worse).  I was worried, because my iPhone is pretty loaded down with stuff and in updates-past, I've had to remove stuff just to add the new iOS.  But then I found a website that helped out.  Apparently, if you connect your phone to your laptop to update, you don't need all that space on your phone, like you would if you install the update "over the air."  Whew!  Now I don't have to delete all those photos. 

And then once I updated it, I found that Mac had installed a little icon on my home screen called "tips".  And, that's in fact what it really is.  A link to a bunch of tips!  Helpful ones.  If you haven't updated yet (assuming you even have an iPhone and aren't like The Hubbs with your Android in hand), you can check you what you're missing here on Apple's website.  And if you have updated, you can see what you just got.

Oh and I also found out from a friend that you can ask Siri "what planes are flying overhead right now" and she'll tell you!  Crazy!  I use it while walking the dogs all the time, since we live under a flight pattern.  Not that it really matters, but now I no longer have to look up and wonder where that airplane is going with all those people on board.  And now, as one always full of wanderlust, I know if I wish I were up there with them or not. 

See you this evening at the VHH!  Happy Friday.  And you're welcome.

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