October 2, 2014

A Little Fall Spruce Up Is A Good Thing

Do you ever just feel the need to clean up the whole house?  Me neither.  But having just planted my fall/winter flowers in the pots on the front steps (see picture above and please ignore the bushes that desperately need to be trimmed.  That's next on the list.), that lead to cleaning the front windows because they got sprayed with water from the hose. Which lead to cleaning the kitchen and back porch windows, because they were filthy and we have company coming in this weekend.  

See, I told you it was bad.  The seams are lifting and it's just so. . . . 1998. Which was a good year.  But a long time ago.
I'll admit I've been in nesting mode for a few weeks now.  I NEED to change things up in my house (and deep clean it, but that's another story).  It's just that time of year.  Time to move the couch to the other wall and get some new pillows.  Or maybe change out the curtains in the bedroom.  Get a new rug or take down the awful wallpaper in our 1/2 bath off the kitchen and paint (my sister-in-law Cathy wants to be here for that one. She's always hated the wallpaper in there as much as I have, but for several years longer). 

So, while I was being Wendy Homemaker, I was daydreaming of changing up the blog a bit too.  Maybe being a little less scattered (here comes the OCD organizer in me) and a little more focused.  Giving you something to look forward to instead of the randomness that is usually this blog.  

Here's what I'm thinking:

Monday Quickie - I hate to get rid of our quickies.  Everyone likes a good quickie, so I just decided to move them to Mondays.  It could be a fast and simple recipe or something easy to craft or do around the house.  

Tech Stuff Tuesday - If you're reading this, you're using some sort of technology.  And I love technology.  All kinds of technology.  Heck, my day job IS technology.  So on Tuesdays, I'll be blogging about techie stuff.  Nothing too deep.  Maybe a new app I found that's awesome.  Or a yoga mat that tells you if your doing it right (hint - read next Tuesday if this sounds interesting).  Or maybe it's just a helpful hint on how to use your technologies more efficiently.

Trendy Wendy Wednesday - I'll be honest.  This one is to help get me out of my rut of no make up, ponytail, yoga pants and my Namaste tank top days (see my logo above - that's what I look like most every day).  I work from home these days, so I need a reason to put 'real' clothes on and do my hair and makeup.  I have personal Pinterest boards full of hair, makeup and clothing ideas.  Except now you'll get to experiment with me.  Maybe it's trying out a new smoky eye.  Or the sock bun (I'll be honest - I've still never mastered it).  Or putting together a new outfit.  Sorry guys, you may want to take a knee on Wednesdays and go read a SportsCenter blog or something.

Thirsty Thursday - By Thursday each week, I need a drink.  My health stuff this year forced me to slow down my cocktailing ways, so now I only have adult beverages (drinky treats, as I like to call them) Thursday through Saturday.  That means Thursday is the new Friday and I think we need to celebrate that the weekend is almost here.  I'm going to team up with The Whole Smiths here and there, since they always have great drink ideas.  So be looking for a new recipe each Thursday right here. 

Fabulous Friday Favs - I have lots of favorites.  Just as The Hubbs.  Favorite foods. Favorite hair products.  Favorite work out gear. Favorite housewares. Favorite music.  Lots of favorites.  And I'm going to share them with you on Fridays.  I may even sneak in a favorite I've created in my online store each week too.  But you can count on whatever it is, it will be Fab.

There will be other posts here and there and guest bloggers will still show up from time to time.  But now that we have a little more order to this place, I'm headed up to go re-organize my closet by item then color.  You're welcome.  

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