October 16, 2014

Thirsty Thursday * When In Rome. Or Atlanta. Either One.

Are you thirsty?  I'm totally thirsty.  And driving back to North Cackalackey. So, I'm not going to be drinking right now (oh, the wonders of scheduled posts).  I'm actually writing this post Wednesday night.  Because I'm in Atlanta and hanging my last night with one of my besties at a place called The Wrecking Bar.  

Here's the 411 on this place. It was built by a guy named Victor Hugo Kriegshaber in the very early 1900's (like way early. Like 1900). You should Google him. He was pretty amazing, if you like history and stuff. The former estate is on the National Register of Historic Places.  And there's a ghost.  Who's ghost haunts has yet to be determined. Maybe Miss May, who had the house more recently (and ran an architectural salvage store out or it). Maybe Victor. Who knows?

In any event, they rent out the upstairs (see the pic above with the gorgeous fireplace) and have a restaurant bar on the lower level and they make a mean cocktail. Don't get me wrong, their food is awesome too. But today is not Tasty Thursday.  It's Thirsty Thursday.  

My choice from their cocktail menu was The Compass Rose.  Brian the bartender created the recipe and he did a damn good job of making it for me. The recipe is as follows:

1oz of Rye Whiskey (Brian made it with Rittenhouse. I like Templeton. We agreed on Rittenhouse) 
1 oz Gran Classico
splash of Maraschino (it's a liqueur from Damar. Who knew?)
Mix over ice and strain into a rocks glass containing one large ice cube (which is awesome). 

Jody had her standard In Fashion (see menu above. She likes an Old Fashioned and the like) and it was also awesome (I stole a sip).  Either way you're set for the weekend with your cocktails AND a future trip to Atlanta.  Bottoms up. You're welcome.
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