August 20, 2014

Coozie or Koozie? Who Cares? Let's Craft One!

Recently my The Hubbs, his brother and sister-in-law and sister and brother-in-law and I went to Canada for our annual "Siblings Trip."  In years past, we've been to Kentucky and the Bourbon Trail, they came to our wedding in Atlanta (that counted fo' shizzle) and before my time, they all took a cruise somewhere (I've seen pictures of The Hubbs with a trash can on his head).  Next year is Ireland (Back to the homeland for their family.  And dark beer for me. Woo Hoo!).  But this year we headed four and one half hours north of International Falls, MN, into Canada (for those of you geographically challenged folks), to a fishing camp called Cygnet Lake.  

The sunset from the front porch of our cabin at Cygnet Lake
It was gorgeous there!  Quiet.  And no TVs.  No cell service (like, none).  No inter webs. We saw deer and bald eagles (The Hubbs asked them if they knew they were in the wrong country.  No response from the eagles. They just sat on their branch majestically.). My sisters-in-law saw a wolf! We all got to hang together and fish by day and play cards at night. And there were cabins just like when you were a kid at camp (but with a kitchen, better beds and indoor plumbing).  I deemed our cabin Camp CallaSamp (a combo of our last names).  And what happens when you're at camp?  That's right! You do crafts!  

Kids crafting "beverage holders" the weekend before the grown ups went to Canada.
Yesterday I showed you the t-shirt craft that we attempted (and that I also attempted several times on white, plain, flour sack dishtowels).  That was on the third night we were there.  But the first night, we had a craft to get us in the "camp" mood (and to help with adult beverage consumption).  My friend Jody had been up from Atlanta to visit us the weekend before and she'd brought this craft idea to us for the kids to try.  I just "grown-up-ified" it a little for the siblings trip.  But as you can see, it worked equally as well for the kiddos as a "cold beverage holder."  

A family that crafts together . . . crafts together.
What you'll need to make your own grown up koozie/coozie (I found all of our items at Michael's but I'm sure you could order most, if not all of it, online):

Blank Koozies/Coozies 
Stick on puffy foam glitter letters
Stick on puffy crowns, sports paraphernalia and other miscellaneous stickers
Glass milk bottles
Glass paint markers
Sharpie markers (these show as BOGO but I found them cheaper at Staples)

The kids koozies/coozies from the weekend before.
The instructions are pretty simple:  Stick. Stuff. To. Your. Koozie/coozie.  Therein lies the beauty.  You can do whatever you want!  You can write on it with your markers.  You can decorate the glass bottles with the glass paint pens (works best if you do that above where the koozie/coozie will cover it, so the foam doesn't rub off what you paint on).  You could even buy glitter glue pens (Jody did for the kids) and decorate with glitter glue.

It's quick.  It's fun and if you're all grownups, you can have a drinkytreat while you do it. Or while you watch the kiddos do it.  As I like to say, it's a win all around!

You're welcome.

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