August 22, 2014

Your Friday Quickie. In A Word - It's Groovy!

It's Friday!  It's Friday!  It's Friday!  I'm not sure if I'm happiest that it's time for another episode of "The Virtual Cocktail Hour" with The Whole Smiths and their Whole (craft)cocktail (she's listed the ingredients for this week on her FB page here) or if that this crazy week of some angry neighbors (oh yes, they got angry about bringing the water situation to light - some even told us to move out) is over.  Either way, it's Friday so it's time for your Friday Quickie.  

And we have a guest blogger for today's Quickie.  Sharon and I go back to our pharma rep days almost ten years ago.  We've supported each other through some insane crap over the years, but now we're both married with kids (her son she birthed, mine are bonus) and our lives look a lot different than they did ten years ago when we first met.  I don't know about Sharon, but I hardly ever have on high heels and/or makeup anymore, so not only does my life look different, but I do as well.  ;-)

Sharon is a shutterbug (a fun way of saying she takes ahhhhmazing photos) and she has a great app to share with us.  Sharon, over to you!

Something Groovy for your Friday! I love photography and have a lot of photography related Apps.  I'm that really annoying person that's always taking pictures. I love those little moments frozen in time to be looked at whenever you choose. 

I have a 15 month old baby boy who must think mom has a flash attached to her forehead. I've taken at least one (some days many more) photographs of him per day since the day he was born. In my naive (first time mom) mind I dreamt I would have time to create beautiful scrapbooks or photo books documenting his every milestone -- Naive indeed! The only thing that's certain is that I always have my phone camera at the ready and far too many pics saved on my iPhone. I'm also a little old school. While I love digital prints -- particularly the ease with which you can keep what you like and delete what you don't-- I find that I have a physical NEED for print photos. I really enjoy flipping through albums, sharing with friends and reminiscing. Not to mention that I'm paranoid about my photos disappearing or floating away in the "cloud" never to be seen again. That would be devastating! 

That's where Groove Book fits in!! I LOVE this app. Those of you that watch Shark Tank probably already know about it. To put it simply, Groove Book is the best thing ever. Ok, a little more information would probably be helpful. Groove Book is an App which you can download to your smart phone. Every month, you can load up to 100 pictures into the App and get this, for only $2.99, you get your 100 pictures, printed and bound into a cute 4.5"x6.5" photo book! It's really easy.

If you want to tear them out, no worries, they even come perforated for easy removal, no mess, no fuss. I keep all my little albums together like a library and since they're so colorful, they look great in my office.

In the back of each photo book, there are two coupons to share with friends so I'm sharing mine with you!  It's a really neat service and you can cancel anytime.

Want to learn more? You can check them out at

I use Shutterfly to create our annual family photo book and vacation albums (a lot of time and effort go into those) but I'll leave that one for another time :) I'd love to share more of the things I love with you! Until next time. Hope you like it!
PS - this is in no way sponsored by Groove Book. They don't even know I exist or like them so much. I guess it's like a secret crush!

I'm off to download GrooveBook before we head to the lake so that I have a project to keep me occupied up there this weekend.  Thanks, Sharon for sharing and we'll look forward to the post showing us how to use Shutterfly soon!  

I'll see all of you this evening, I hope, posting your "Virtual Happy Hour" pics on Instagram. The Hubbs and I will have ours up (you can follow my Instagram feed using the follow button up at the top of the blog). Until then, here's to photo bombing during happy hour and saving the photos in a GrooveBook photo book and bottoms up, all!  And you're welcome.

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