August 18, 2014

Scrub A Dub Dub Super Cheap Scrub

Happy Monday!  You know what today is? It's time for another guest blogger post!! I told you last week how cool our next door neighbors are, right? Matt showed us how to make Butter Poached Lobster Rolls (more coming from him this week so help you use the rest of that lobster butter).  

Well, today his wife Sandra steps in with a post. This week is going to be all about making stuff you could buy at the store, but it's way better when you make it yourself. Things you use every day and/or things you can give away. Knowing you made it yourself somehow makes it all the sweeter. And betterer (yes, dang it - betterer is a word!).

Sandra has been making her own body scrub for a while now. And she looks not only smooth but soft. Not that I've actually checked to see if she is soft. We'll have to ask Matt about that. All I know is that I can't wait to try it myself!  
Yes, even I, Matt's wife, Sandra, can sometimes be creative in the kitchen.  However, it usually only involves recipes that have three or four ingredients and about as many lines of directions!  Otherwise, I just wait for my honey to make me something delicious!

This is not my very own recipe and I'm sure many of you have your own little concoctions as well.  But again, since I have so few things that I do in the kitchen and this one has the added benefit of being great for my skin, I thought I'd share it with Wendy's followers.  Maybe someday I'll share my scrambled eggs recipe :-)

First, ingredients…

All you need is 1 cup of olive oil and 1 cup of brown sugar.  I use ½ cup of light brown sugar and ½ cup of dark sugar. Oh, and a little sea salt if you want but you don't need it.

You can mix and match different types of oils (add a bit of rose hip oil or use almond oil instead of olive, etc.).  You can use only dark or only light brown sugar.  I like to mix.  Also, the olive oil I use is 'light'; however, you can use any olive oil or EVO or almond, like I mentioned.

Use a container that will hold at least the cup of oil but gives you enough room to use a spoon to mix together.  I had an empty body scrub container that I used (and paid $15 for!) and now continue to reuse.  

Dump the sugar into the container.  Pour the olive oil over it and mix.  SIMPLE!  I then take a few tablespoons of sea salt (shhhhh…..don't tell Matt I'm using his favorite sea salt!) and mix that in as well.  It gives the scrub a little more 'oomph' and texture.   

Put the lid on and now I have body scrub for the next month or so!  Basically for free (or almost free) and just by using what was already in the pantry! 

I keep my scrub in the shower (where else?!) and use it once or twice a week on my legs and arms.  Fair warning: Make sure you clean out the shower stall after using it!  We don't want any slippage accidents!  
So, that's it.  My very own body scrub shared with you, Wendy's readers :-)  
I'm sure Matt's next blog will be way more interesting and I guarantee it will have more than three ingredients!  But sometimes the simple things are just as nice 
Have a great day! Sandra
Thanks, Sandra!  Put a bow on that jar and you have a nice hostess gift for the next mom's get together, neighborhood party or your poker night.  Hey, dudes need scrubbing too!  

Now, I'm headed down to the kitchen to "cook" up some body scrub and I'm bringing my ylang ylang and almond essential oils.  I should be soft and smooth by 8pm tonight.  Just don't tell The Hubbs how I got that way.  He thinks it happens via magic. 

From Sandra, The Hubbs and I - you're welcome.  ;-)

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