August 1, 2014

This is so much better than speed reading!

It's Friday, so this will be another quickie (maybe we should make this a standing Friday date - you all get a quickie each Friday afternoon???). 

I wanted to let you guys know that I have a little crush.  Actually a big crush.  It's ok, my husband knows.  I've actually tried to get him to crush on my crush too.  

If you're anything like me, you're running around between your job, bonus kids, The Hubbs, dogs, a perpetually messy house, errands, your new fun blog - wait.  That is me.  We'll if you're anywhere close to being like me, you're pressed for time.  All the time.  But you don't want to look like an idiot at the neighborhood cocktail party or at the office water cooler when someone asks you what you think about the conflict in Gaza (note to self - even with the eyelash extensions, the deer in the headlight look doesn't go over well).  

We're educated smart people, dang it!  We like to know what's happening in the world around us.  It's just that we can't always spend hours perusing the news sites or glued to the TV to keep up with everything that's going on.  

Enter my savior.  theSkimm.  The folks at theSkimm (they're like magical elves) quietly deposit an email in my inbox each morning before I wake up, cluing me in to what I need to know about.  It's quick and dirty (not as in naughty, as in fast) and I can read it while I'm pouring that first cup of cold brew coffee (stay tuned to next week to learn how to make it - it's life changing, I swear!).  I get just enough of what I need to convince the other mom's in carpool that I know what's going on outside of Wake Forest.  And it's cute and witty to boot.  Another check in the win column, in my opinion.  Now when the Hubbs comes home from out of town, I can actually discuss the CIA/Senate spying scandal with him (I envy his time on airplanes where there are no phone calls and you can pretend email doesn't exist and just sit and read things.  All the things.  With a bourbon on the rocks in hand.).  

So, how do you get this Monday through Friday email that will change your life too?  Easy. Click this link (, sign up and voila.  Monday morning (hey, they deserve time off like the rest of us) you too will be in the know and ready to show off your worldly news knowledge in the grocery store line.  The grocery clerk will be impressed, no doubt.  You're welcome.  ;-)

Have a great weekend.  

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