August 27, 2014

The Big Reveal! I'm Letting You In On My Little Secret.

Last night I teased you all with a short sneaky post, dangling a big secret that would be revealed today.  And guess what?  It's today!  And since we're BFFs and all, I'm cluing you in.  I've been MIA the last couple of days, but I've been REALLY busy.  And it was all for you.  Well, mostly.  

In all of my recent craftiness, I decided to make myself a pair of leggings that said "This Is The Life I Have Chosen".  If you're not familiar with Zazzle, you can upload images/artwork and they will screen or imprint them on to myriad different things and send them off to you. Things like leggings. I do yoga a lot.  A LOT.  And I practically live in leggings, so I figured why not advertise my little blog a bit for an hour and a half on Thursday nights or Friday mornings at the Kerr YMCA in Kelly's class or Tuesday mornings in Monica's class, or as I'm getting the oil changed in the car. . . . you get the point.

So, I made my leggings online, ordered them and they should arrive today (very excited!).  But then my bestie that I've known since eighth grade took a picture of a shirt she owns and she told me she loves the saying on it, but she's not very giddy about a pink bow that sits right above the phrase.  She asked if I could tie-dye a shirt for her with that saying on it.  And I thought, "Sugar, I can do one better than that.  I can make you a totally cool shirt with a totally cool original photo on it and your saying on top of the photo." And so I did.  That's the shirt at the top of this post.  And then I made this notebook.  Because I love the quote and I love the picture I took on a London street just before Christmas last year (even if I did have a really awful blister on the bottom of my foot from walking so much.  It's still a great picture).

And then that little light bulb in my brain went off.  There are tons of products available through Zazzle, just waiting to be customized with my cool pics and some sayings.  I have both!  And maybe, just maybe, other folks would like some of this stuff too.  

So, I got to work. And created my own "storefront." It's easy to get to. On my newly formatted blog website (if you haven't checked it out and you only read my posts via your email inbox, you really should go take a look - Tanya at TheArtSheMakes (on Etsy) did an amazing job!), you'll find a tab at the top that reads Shop! Shop! Shop!.  If you click on it, guess what happens?  You're whisked off into cyberland right to my store!  And there you could find this coffee mug.

And this iPad case.

Or this hoodie.  

Or this dog sweater (sorry - they didn't have cat sweaters, or I would have made you one).

And even this makeup case.

Annnnddd this t-shirt I made for myself (seeing a pattern here?  The Hubbs is.), which I then decided to share with everyone.  I mean, why should I hoard the shirt and not let others spread Buddha's wisdom?  He was a pretty smart guy.

This stuff is just the tip of the iceberg (just ask The Hubbs - I've made him look at EVERYTHING I've created so far) and if you give me a couple of more days, there will be stuff for dudes and kids and a really cool bumper sticker too (soon, Dan Weinman, soon).   With only 119 more shopping days until Christmas (and fewer until Hanukkah and Kwanzaa but many more until my birthday) you need to get cracking on that shopping list.  Some might say I've just made the holidays that much easier for you.  You're welcome.  

And thanks for checking out my store!
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  1. Thanks, Holly! They were what started it all. Can't wait until the pair I ordered get here! And the shirts. And the notebook. And the makeup case. ;-)


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