August 8, 2014

Your Friday Quickie. It's Five O'clock Somewhere, Right?

It's Friday!  It's Friday!  And none too soon, if you ask me!  After this busy week, I don't know about you, but I'm ready for a #drinkytreat.  Like, now.  But since I'm on the go today, it will have to wait until at least 4:30p when I get back home.  But you can bet your sweet butt I'm ready.  

And lo and behold my friend Michelle is coming to the rescue.  She has this awesome food blog (she's a pro at the photog thing, so her photos are gorgeous.  Unlike mine.  But I've said it before, I know a little bit about a lot of things.  Photography isn't one of them).  You should go check it out now.  Like right now.  And you should also 'Like' her page on FacePage (<eye roll>  That's what The Hubbs calls it).  

(Lavender + Elderflower Champagne)

But then go back again later this afternoon.  Michelle has teamed up with her Hubbs, Brad, and each Friday they are creating a Whole (Craft)Cocktail and sharing the recipe.  With us!  Do you understand how lucky we are?  But the coolest part is that she shares the ingredients with her readers earlier in the week (so you can buy them) and then the recipe on Friday so we can all Happy Hour together.  I love it!  

Oddly enough (ok, not so odd at all, really) The Hubbs and I already had all of the ingredients needed for this week's cocktail in the house (Yay!  One less errand for me this week).  But you. . .  you need to get out and go get the ingredients so we can do this together!  Here's the list for this week/today's Whole (Craft)Cocktail: 

  • Dark Rum
  • Fresh Ginger 
  • Limes (roughly 1/2 lime for each serving)
  • Ginger Beer (*My favorite ginger beer to use is Reed's because while there is SOME sugar in it, it is sweetened with mostly honey and pineapple juice. You can find it at Whole Foods. I have yet to find one that has zero sugar as an ingredient. I'm off to a great start here, eh? I'll blame Brad I'm gonna try using ginger kombucha instead, so I'll share the results with you.)
Did she say kombucha?  I love that stuff.  I make my own!  (hint - that's a post I'll be putting up next week).  Now get out of here!  Shoo!  Go!  You've got to get to the store!  Because happy hour is right around the corner and I'm not waiting for you!  

Oh, and don't forget to subscribe to The Whole Smiths so we can happy hour together every week.  You're welcome.

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