August 19, 2014

Let's Go Trippin' Like It's 1977

It's Tuesday and we're taking a trip. Not that kind of trip (this is a drug free house, buddy).  A trip back in time.  To the 70's.  Back when things were psychedelic and wild.  So, buckle up and get ready.

On the rare occasion that I have some spare time, I use it to read some of my favorite blogs (The Bloggess and The Whole Smiths are two favorites).  And on the very rare occasion that I've gotten to read them AND I still have some spare time (i.e. The Hubbs is out of town and the bonus daughters aren't here), I cruise Pinterest.  There's so much cool stuff you can find on there! 

One night while cruising the P, I found a crafting idea that I pinned to try with the bonus daughters.  Really, I wanted to try it, but I'm a damn grown up, so we're not supposed to try kids crafts, right?  So, I decided I would "help" the bonus daughters craft it out.  

Remember tie-dyes?  The bonus daughters don't, other than seeing them on Cool Neighbor Matt next door or at the Wake Forest downtown festival.  But I remember making a tie-dye t-shirt in art class in grade school.  It was one of the only times I liked art class until I got to college.  

Anyway, this Pin on the P showed how to make a "tie-dye" without all the rubber bands and the buckets of dye.  A huge bonus when kids are involved.  

Off to Michael's Crafts I went to buy supplies:

White all cotton t-shirts, Sharpie markers in a zillion colors (note: I also found the markers at Staples for HALF the price), and some rubbing alcohol, an eye dropper and white cider vinegar at the grocery store.  I dug out some cardboard boxes from our recycling pile and I was set.

Siblings that craft together stay together. 
So, we crafted up at the lake, and then one of the mom's and I crafted at the lake on big, white flour sack dishtowels, I had everyone make a t-shirt at the Camp CallaSamp sibling's weekend up in Canada, and then I made a few dishtowels for home and friends and t-shirts for my nieces. Lots of crafting. Because it's FUN.  And what a great way to be a super cool, mom/dad/aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa/neighbor.  The dishtowels make great hostess or housewarming gifts or it's also just a good way to pass time while you're on endless conference calls.  Wait, that's just me.

Step one - the design.
Anyway, on to the instructions.  First: get your t-shirt laid out on the table, with a piece of thick cardboard between the front and the back, inside the shirt.  If you're using something like the dishtowel, just put the cardboard underneath.

Now take your markers and start designing. I actually found a paper plate while we were up at the lake that had a super cool design.  And another on the yoga mat of a woman next to me in yoga.  And then I just started googling stuff for designs.  It's amazing what's out there!  

Step two - add alcohol and let it "tie-dye".
Once you have your design on your shirt, take your eye dropper and fill it with rubbing alcohol (with the cardboard still in place).  Now drop the alcohol right on your design and let it start to run!  Do that with the whole design.  Let it dry (it dries quickly because it's alcohol and it evaporates more than it dries, but don't take the cardboard out until it's totally dry).  

Step three - wash and dry.
Fill up your (clean) sink half way with cold water (I even add some ice and let it melt) and a cup of white cider vinegar.  Take your shirt and carefully soak it in the cold water for a few minutes, while get your washing machine filling with cold water and detergent.  Transfer the shirt to the washing machine and let it run (make sure all cycles are set on cold water).  You can either let it air dry or dry it on a gentle cycle.  And now you're ready to wear it!  Or use it (it's hard to wear a dishtowel).  

I may have gotten a little carried away with the whole idea.  A little.  Maybe.  Here are some of the other designs I've come up with

Our lake neighbor did this one. Isn't it cool!

before applying the alcohol
after applying the alcohol
And before you get all judgey, I spend a LOT of time on conference calls each day for my real job.  And I'm an excellent multitasker.  What?  Oh, sorry - I was making another dish towel.  ;-)

Now go be a cool dad/mom/aunt/uncle/grandma/grandpa/neighbor/friend and get to crafting.  And drop me a note in the comments to let me know how it went and show me your craftiness.

You're welcome.

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  1. I love this! I can't wait till my girls are old enough to start doing more crafts with me. Right now we keep them pretty simple around here otherwise it ends up in a disaster and tears (mine!). Love!

  2. Oh yeah, and I'm stoked I made one of your favorite blogs!!! :)

  3. Michelle, it was so doggone easy. And now I can't stop making the dishtowels as gifts. And yes, you are one of my favorite blogs. :-)

  4. This looks like such a fun project. My kids would love this. Actually, I would love this. Something to think about for the next playdate. :)

    1. Thanks, Teresa. It was a blast and I'm still having fun making the dishtowels. Be sure to check out the other two crafting projects the kids and I did on the same day and


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